London Karate Trip, September 2014
Fourteen of SKA’s black belts board the plane with Sensei Edward, all eager and ready for a week of hard training in London. Despite our hunger and aching muscles, we packed our Gis and headed to Oasis SKC for our first training session with JKA England’s Sensei Ohta.
Black belts from Shotokan Karate-Do Association and several assisting brown belts, participated in a number of events this week, to raise awareness of this unique discipline and the opportunities available to learn and benefit from the way of Karate.
JKA Malta Gasshaku November 2014
Between the 14th and 16th of November, JKA Malta clubs, amongst which SKA Shotokan Karate-Do Association, took part in the biannual Gasshaku in Malta directed by visiting Instructor Sensei Tomlin, 6th Dan JKA Technical Advisor to Malta
SKA Grading Examination for Kyu Grades, November 2014
JKA Malta Club - SKA Shotokan Karate-DO Association held a Grading Examination for its Kyu Grades on Thursday 27th November 2014.
SKA Demonstrations in Aid of L-Istrina, November 2014
On Saturday 29th November, SKA took part in the Mc Donald’s ‘Share a Smile’ initiative to raise funds for ‘L-Istrina’, Malta’s major Charity event in aid of the Malta Community Chest Fund.
SKA Party – End of 2014!
A celebration of karate attitude and strong bonds, hard work and dedication
SKA Junior Grading – 9th March 2015
On Monday 9th March, the Shotokan Karate-DO Association held a Grading Examination for Junior Kyu Grades.
SKA JKA Shobu Ippon Competition, March 2015
On Saturday 21st March 2015, SKA Shotokan Karate-Do Association held a JKA Shobu Ippon Individual Kumite Competition at St. Theresa Mriehel Girls Secondary School, Birkirkara. It was the first JKA Shobu Ippon Competition to be held by SKA after its affiliation with JKA World Federation last October 2014.
SKA Adults Kyu Grading – 6th July 2015
On Monday 6th July, 2015, Shotokan Karate-DO Association held its second grading for Adult Kyu Grades at MCAST Paola. The grading examination was led by SKA Chief Instructor Sensei Edward, assisted by Sensei David and Sensei Kenneth
SKA Training in London and Autumn International Gasshuku in Crawley, September 2015
On Tuesday 8th September 2015, SKA black belt instructors and several 1st Kyus accompanied SKA Chief Instructor Sensei Edward Aquilina to London, UK for a week of hard training at London Dojos.