SKA Black Belts with Sensei Kunio Kobayashi JKA WF HQ Instructor, Sensei Takeshi Naito JKA Italy Chief Instructor and Sensei Edward Aquilina SKA Chief Instructor; Cantu, Milan
On Friday the 11th November 2016, six SKA Black Belts accompanied SKA Chief Instructor, Sensei Edward Aquilina to the International JKA Gasshuku held in Cantu, Milan.
Training sessions held over the weekend were headed by Sensei Takeshi Naito, JKA Italy’s Chief Instructor and Head of National Squad, as well as highly esteemed Guest Instructor Sensei Kunio Kobayashi, JKA World Federation Headquarters Instructor and past All Japan Champion in Kata and Kumite.
Training was focussed on the targeted progression of technique in Kata and Kumite, with Sensei Kobayashi also giving a dynamic demonstration of Tai no Sen and Sen no Sen and the mental commitment they demand.
SKA would like to, once again, show gratitude to JKA Italy for their constant hospitality, friendship and their commendable demonstration of spirit and attitude in Authentic Karate.