JKA England Spring International Course, Gilford 2011
In April 2011, several SKA members participated in the JKA England Spring International Course in Gilford, UK, which took place over four days between Friday the 29th April and Monday 2nd May. The event brought together hundreds of karatekas worldwide to train with renowned Japanese Instructors from the JKA Headquarters in Japan, namely Tanaka Sensei, Sawada Sensei, Osaka Sensei and Inokoshi Sensei, amongst whom was JKA England Chief Instructor Sensei Ohta.
SKA Shobu Ippon Competition August 2011
On the 17th August 2011, S.K.A. organised a Shobu Ippon Friendly Competition for SKA brown and black belts. The event was held at the Verdala Boys Secondary School, Cospicua, Malta.
4th – 7th May 2012 – JKA England Spring Course, Crawley, UK
Between the 4th and the 7th of May 2012, several SKA black and brown belts participated in the 9th JKA England Spring Course that has been held annually by JKAE for the past 10 years.
JKA Malta Gasshaku October 2013, with Sensei Ohta
This October, SKA participated in the JKA Malta Gasshaku held between Friday 11th and Sunday 13th October with visiting instructors from JKAE Sensei Ohta (7th Dan JKA) and Sensei Roy Tomlin (6th Dan JKA)
SKA Shobu Ippon Competition at MKF National Championships, November 2013
SKA Shobu Ippon Competition at MKF National Championships, November 2013
Demonstration in aid of the Puttinu Cares Foundation
On the 8th of June 2014, one week on from the Stella Maris Demonstration, nine black belts set out to execute another demonstration, this time at a Football Marathon in Aid of the Puttinu Cares Foundation (a non-governmental organization that supports children and adults suffering from cancer).
JKA Malta Gasshaku July 2014
The Shotokan Karate-Do Association took part in the Gasshuku held at Ta’ Giorni, the past 11th, 12th, and 13th of July. The Training Seminar was organized by JKA Malta, and the sessions were conducted by Sensei Roy Tomlin (6th Dan JKA, Senior Instructor, National Coach, Examiner and Judge for JKA England).
SKA invited to JUGS Malta conference at Hilton Hotel Malta, Portomaso, St. Julians
On the 28th of July 2014, SKA was invited by Make It Happen- JUGS, Malta, to participate in the launching of Hilton’s Worldwide Initiative ‘Make it Right’, featured in this week's Times of Malta supplement Magazine 'Hilton Malta Calling'
Annual Summer Beach Training Session 2014
Every year, SKA holds an Annual Summer Beach Training Session as part of its social events outside of the Dojo.