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SKA International Karate Friendships 2015

Genuine Karate establishes sincere friendships in training no matter the origin, no matter the differences. Over the past year, SKA was fortunate to have encountered numerous karatekas from all over the world who have coincidentally crossed our paths in our continuous search for true karate. These encounters have undoubtedly served to enrich the karate experience we are all searching for.

SKA would like to thank and send season’s greetings to all, with the hope of meeting again in training in the coming years. Below are a few photo memories of SKA karate friendships in 2015.

A Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year of hard training to all!


SKA in Italy, January 2016

On Friday 15th January 2016, SKA black belts accompanied Sensei Edward Aquilina, SKA Chief Instructor, together with Sensei Kenneth Farrugia 3rd Dan and Sensei David Salem Rizzo 3rd Dan to Bologna, Italy for training seminars organised by the Japan Karate Association in Italy.

SKA in Frankfurt, Germany; February 2016

In the first week of February 2016, Black belts, Senpai Luke Rocco and Senpai Graziella Rocco travelled to Frankfurt, Germany, for training at the reknowned Karate-Dojo Ippon. Training was led by Sensei Risto Kiiskila, 6th Dan, Instructor at the German JKA Karate Federation (DJKB) eV where rigorous sessions of Kihon, Kata and Kumite Drills followed.

SKA would like to thank Sensei Risto Kiiskilä, and Karate-Dojo Ippon members for their hospitality and cordial welcoming, and the opportunity to join them in training during their short stay in Germany. We look forward to meeting again in training in the coming years!


SKA in Windsor, UK; April 2016

Between the 22nd and 24th April SKA black belts Senpai Paul and Senpai Leanne attended the JKA WF Gasshuku, this time held in the beautiful city of Windsor, south of London, U.K. Training sessions were held over 3 days under the instruction of Japanese instructors Sensei Mori Toshihiro 8th Dan JKA from Tokyo HQ, Sensei Nemoto Keisuke 5th Dan JKA HQ Instructor and All Japan Kumite Champion, and Sensei Kawasoe Masao 7th Dan JKA UK.

SKA in Cantu, Milan July 2016

Following the successful participation of SKA Shotokan Karate-Do Association at training seminars with JKA Italy, in Imola and La Spezia last January, 9 SKA Black belts accompanied SKA Chief Instructor Sensei Edward Aquilina again last week, between the 11th and 14th of July, for further training at two of Italy’s most renowned dojos.

SKA in Piraeus, Athens, Greece; July 2016

During a short stay in Athens, Greece, Black belts Senpai Luke Rocco and Senpai Graziella Rocco travelled to Piraeus Athens, for training at the Karate Piraeus. Training was led by Sensei John Mantzaris, 3th Dan, and Sensei Artemisia Mata both Instructors at the Traditional Karate Center in Piraeus where rigorous sessions of Kihon and Kata Drills followed.

SKA would like to thank Sensei John Mantzaris, and Sensei Artemisia Mata and Karate Piraeus members for their hospitality and cordial welcoming, and the opportunity to join them in training during their short stay in Greece. We look forward to meeting again in training in the coming years!


SKA at JKA Italy International Gasshuku in Vieste, Puglia; August 2016

On the 26th August 2016, 25 SKA members accompanied SKA Chief Instructor Sensei Edward Aquilina, Sensei Kenneth Farrugia and Sensei David Salem Rizzo to beautiful Vieste in Puglia, Italy to participate in the International Gasshuku organised by JKA Italy, between the 26th and 28th of August.

25 SKA Athletes in preparation for visit to JKA Italy, August 2016

On Friday 26th August 2016, 25 SKA athletes will be heading to Vieste, Italy, together with SKA Chief Instructor Sensei Edward Aquilina for 3 days of intensive training with JKA Italy. Instruction will be headed by Sensei Takeshi Naito 7th Dan, JKA Italy's Chief Instructor and Head Coach for the Italian National Squad, and Sensei Masao Kawasoe 7th Dan, JKA England and Scotland Chief Instructor.

All SKA Athletes are enthusiastically awaiting this training experience, after several weeks of constant daily training, as it will continue to enhance our good relations with JKA Italy. We all look forward to working together with JKA Italy to continue the growth of authentic, high standard Karate in Malta over the coming years.

Guest Japanese Karateka training at SKA Malta, 2016

It is with great pleasure for SKA to introduce and formally welcome our highly esteemed guest, Ms Yuki Fujita. At only 22 years of age, Ms Fujita, has already gained many Kumite Championship titles locally in Japan and also became JKA Germany's Kumite Champion in April 2015.

SKA Black Belt and Kyu Grade Examination, September 2016

On Thursday 29th September, 30 members from SKA Malta will be undergoing a grading examination to advance in their Belt level. This is a special Association Grading date as Leanne Grech and Christina Desira shall be going for their 2nd Dan Examination, whilst Keith Falzon and Paul Falzon will also be going for their 3rd Dan Examination. We wish all our students the best of luck and an excellent performance.