Between the 14th and 16th of November, JKA Malta clubs, amongst which Shotokan Karate-Do Association, took part in the biannual Gasshaku in Malta directed by visiting Instructor Sensei Tomlin, 6th Dan JKA Technical Advisor to Malta, and sensei Dario Chircop, Chief Instructor of JKA Malta. He was also joined by several JKA England members from Lewisham SKC and Oasis SKC based in London.
Training was focused mainly on basic fundamentals with multiple Kihon repetitions, Renzuki waza combinations on a balancing leg outlining differences in hip movement and multiple repetitions of several linked Katas. Kumite drills integrated run in combinations emphasizing fast and explosive technique.
The training programme also included an early morning beach training session at Golden Bay and an evening session with British Law Enforcement and Security Personnel. The Gasshaku weekend was concluded with a much awaited for group lunch with our Senseis, at a local seafront restaurant in Ta’ Xbiex, amid long hours of Karate discussion which was thoroughly enjoyed by all.
SKA Chief Instructor Sensei Edward in standing row, 4th from left, Sensei Tomlin far right and Sensei Dario 5th from right.