Karate For Kids

Having taught sports for quite a number of years I find that karate has no match as one of the best activities that children should participate in. The more reason is that, Karate provides the basis for a solid foundation for children to form their personality and attitudes. However, one of the most important factors for this setup is providing the right instructor. Children are easily impressed and can be misled to confuse martial arts with aggression, especially if the training consists of dangerous applications intended to hurt others. Clubs that embrace such practice have a high rate of injuries Read more…

Controlling Muscle Tension

How should I reduce Tension? Proper execution of any Karate technique requires a holistic relaxation of body muscles, tensing on impact for only a split second. However to be able to relax a muscle during an activity, one has to first grasp the idea whilst not doing the activity since it needs to be ingrained in the mind for it to come naturally. Therefore I thought about writing this article to bring about more awareness and give some tips on how to relax a muscle. The opposite of ‘relaxed’ is ‘tense’. Muscle tension is found & required in all muscles Read more…

Motivation in Training

Have you ever felt so much enthusiasm that you want to shout and tell everyone what you do? Or on the other hand, kind of bored to the point that you question whatever you do?? Well, let me rest your mind, this is very normal and it does not mean that either you have become addicted, or that you lost all interest. This is a normal process in maturing through an activity and this happens due to fluctuations in what is called Motivation. This is quite a vast subject and can hardly be discussed on paper, and it is by Read more…