JKA WF MALTA – 1st International JKA Gasshuku – July 2022
National Sports School, MaltaJKA WF MALTA - 1st International JKA Gasshuku - July 2022On the 30th and 31st July, JKA WF Malta held their first International JKA Gasshuku at the National Sports School in Pembroke, greatly anticipated by all after a two-year long wait due to the global pandemic. Training was conducted by world renowned guest Instructor Naito Takeshi sensei, 8th Dan JKA Instructor and National Chief of JKA WF Italy.Over 100 adults and children - all JKA members - participated with great energy and enthusiasm throughout the seminar despite the intense summer heat and humidity.Training covered basic JKA Kihon fundamentals, Idou kihon Read more…
JKA Dan & Licenses Exam Results
National Sports School, MaltaOn the 31st July, JKA WF Malta organised JKA Dan and Judge and Instructor Qualification Licence examinations, carried out by Japanese Instructor Naito Takeshi Sensei, 8th Dan JKA WF Italia National Representative, at the end of the International JKA Gasshuku in Malta . All 23 JKA WF Malta members successfully passed their Shodan, Nidan and Sandan black belt examinations and 5 members also successfully achieved their Instructor and Judge Licences. Sandan Examinations - 3rd Dan Robert Vella Colton Grech Darmanin Darren Bianco Claudio Paris Graziella Rocco Luke Rocco Nidan Examinations - 2nd Dan Ezio Buffa Giovanni Zarb Jurgen Curmi Rowinda Read more…