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We would like to congratulate all of our members who successfully passed their Kyu Grading and a special congratulations to Senpai Abigail Bezzina and Senpai Jurgen Curmi who showed exceptional spirit and technique to achieve the special rank of Shodan – First Dan Black Belt. 

A special event for all 152 members who were present from MCAST Paola Branch, Tarxien SKA Kids, SKA Nakama, SKA Ghaxaq and Handaq SKA Kenshinkan Dojos. 

Beginners’ sessions shall be starting soon. Anyone interested can contact us via email or facebook.

Proud moment for New JKA MALTA SKA Shodans – senpai Abigail Bezzina and senpai Jurgen Curmi – with JKA MALTA SKA Chief Instructor Sensei Edward Aquilina 5th Dan JKA and JKA MALTA SKA Senseis