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Between the 5th and 7th January 2024, JKA WF Malta held its first Winter Kangeiko.

Kangeiko is a Japanese Budo Tradition – training in the early morning during the coldest time of the year. The purpose of Kangeiko is to begin the New Year by challenging oneself, waking up early in the morning to train in cold weather, to set the same spirit of commitment for Training throughout the rest of the year.

Kangeiko training usually starts with an early morning jog, with the group chanting “Wasshoi”, a powerful Japanese cheer traditionally used during festivals whilst carrying a shrine and during sport events. “Wasshoi” transmits one’s energy, strength and commitment through a shout to encourage and bring the group together. This also continues to reflect in the encouragement given by the group to one another, to give one’s best in training in the dojo, both during Kangeiko and also throughout the rest of the year.