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Between the 18th and 19th of May 2019, JKA MALTA SKA held its Annual Spring Training Camp with record participation of over 100 members from SKA MCAST Paola, Tarxien SKA Kids, SKA Nakama, SKA Ghaxaq and SKA Kenshinkan Branch Dojos.

Training was led by JKA MALTA SKA Chief Instructor Sensei Edward Aquilina, 5th Dan JKA. Dynamic sessions were focussed on developing effectiveness in fundamental Kihon, overlapping into Ippon and Jiyu Kumite combinations and ultimately applying the same mental intent concepts into Kata.

Referee and Main Judge sessions were also held for all grades to enable standardisation, continued improvement in experience and better understanding of correct technique in daily practice.

JKA MALTA SKA would like to sincerely thank Sensei Edward Aquilina for his constant, outstanding instruction and congratulate all members who persistently exerted themselves and succeeded in completing all sessions despite the physical hardship and level of difficulty.