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JKA MALTA SKA in Italy this week, taking a record 44 of its members with JKA MALTA SKA Chief Instructor Sensei Edward Aquilina 5th Dan JKA – for training with Top Japanese Instructors, Izumiya Sensei 7th Dan -JKA Headquarters Instructor – and Naito Sensei 7th Dan – JKA Italy Chief Instructor.

JKA MALTA SKA is the only association in Malta who strives to take all members for training abroad, for their continuous personal progression in true Traditional Karate. Traditional Karate that can be practiced by anyone, regardless of age, gender, grade or achievements with longterm benefits to every individual’s physical and mental well being.

It was with great pride that our members were also selected by Naito Sensei to perform in front of Izumiya Sensei and all JKA Italy participants, a great honour for our Association.

JKA MALTA SKA also congratulates several of its members who successfully passed their Dan and Licence Examinations achieving prestigious International Instructor and Judge Recognition by JKA Japan.

We would like to thank JKA Italy for their continuous and commendable hospitality, sincere Karate attitude and true friendships, whilst also taking this opportunity to send a special message of courage and well wishes for a speedy recovery to our member Stephen Gili who was involved in a serious motor vehicle accident.

{Credit to Mr Luca Viscardi for photos}