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JKA MALTA SKA at JKA HQ Kangeiko Midwinter Training - Tokyo - Japan 2020

During the month of January, two of our JKA MALTA SKA Members Paul Falzon and Leanne Falzon participated at the Mid Winter Training at JKA Honbu for their 3rd consecutive time. 

For two weeks both our members were fortunate to be able to train 3 to 4 times daily with JKA Japan’s most exceptional Instructors namely Ueki Shihan 10th Dan Chief Instructor of JKA WF, Ogura sensei 8th Dan JKA Director, Izumiya Sensei 7th Dan JKA HQ instructor, Naka Sensei 7th Dan JKA HQ Instructor, Hirayama sensei 6th Dan, Imamura sensei 8th Dan, Takahashi sensei 7th Dan, Kobayashi sensei 7th Dan, Shimizu sensei 5th Dan, Mai Shiina sensei 4th Dan, Chubachi sensei 5th Dan, Kurihara Sensei 5th Dan, Ueda sensei 4th Dan, Igarashi sensei 3rd Dan, Osato sensei 2nd Dan, Nemoto sensei 6th Dan, Kurasako sensei 8th Dan, Ogane sensei 3rd Dan as well as Yoshida Sensei and Masaru Ogata sensei at Jonan Shotojuku Dojo in Sangenjaya. 

It was once again an exceptional experience of constant hard training shared with international friends from Japan, England, Istanbul and Saudi Arabia who share the same passion for JKA Karate. 

On behalf of our members we would like to thank all JKA Instructors for their commitment, dedication, enthusiasm and outstanding instruction and all our friends in Japan for their hospitality, warm welcome and special friendship!

#jkamaltaska #jkajapan #jkawf #jkamalta #alwayslearning #onedirection #karate

Photos courtesy of JKA