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Highlights from the First ALL MALTA JKA National Championships

This festive season has been proudly marked by the beginning of the JKA National Championships in Malta, which this year has been organised by JKA MALTA SKA, and that will be held every year for all JKA Members in Malta.

On behalf of our Association we would like to send our best wishes to all our Karate Friends all over the World! A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to All!

#jka #jkamaltaska #jkamalta #jkakarate #onedirection #karatefamily

1st All Malta JKA National Championships

JKA MALTA SKA are pleased to announce the ‘1st ALL MALTA JKA National Championship’ to be held in Malta for the first time.

All JKA members are invited to participate at this special event.

Date: Sunday 15th December 2019, 9am – 12pm
Location: National Sports School, Pembroke, Malta

All interested participants to send an email to [email protected] for more details.

Closing Date for Applications: 31st October 2019

Championship events will consist of Individual and Team, Male and Female Kata and Kumite Shobu Ippon Matches in accordance with JKA World Federation Regulations.

Everyone is invited to be part of this memorable event. All Spectators will be most welcome to watch Championships with no admission fee.

Athletes winning the Championship will be selected to represent Malta at European and World Championships in the coming year 2020.

For more details click on our facebook event link for updates: